Thursday, December 3, 2015

Climate change is more of a threat than terrorist - really!

Forty thousand delegates from 190 countries, 130 heads of state, were in Paris this week, not to debate the ISIS terror attack that killed 130 people. They were not there to honor the dead, although they did take time to do it. They were there to develop strategies that will defeat the biggest threat the world faces (according to Obama) climate change.
ISIS or Turkey’s shooting down a Russian jet, which puts both the Kremlin and NATO on the road to war are not as important as climate change according to Obama. If we have World War III or cannot contain the terrorist we will not need to worry about climate change. Oh, I know Obama says he has contained the terrorist – I guess he has them contained in Paris, the United States, Somalia, Pakistan, Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan, Palestinian, Columbia, Thailand, Philippines, Yemen, Russia, France, India or Thailand for all those countries have been attack by terrorist and continue to face terrorist attack as all countries in the world do. We should also note Obama’s own military advisor told Congress this week, “U.S. forces have not contained ISIS in Iraq and Syria. The terror threat is growing.

Fighting climate change seems more like a cult to me and President Obama is its Grand Wizard. He has replaced Democrat Al Gore. Obama and others in his administration have said 23 times over the years that climate change is a grave threat to the world.  In July 2008, Al Gore called climate change a more dangerous threat than terrorism. Al Gore said, “I think that the climate crisis is, by far, the most serious threat we have ever faced.”  I have to cut Gore slack that was in 2008, but Obama continues to say it in 2015.
Secretary of State John Kerry said this about the threat of climate change, “If our military vehicles are unable to move anywhere in the region here or elsewhere because they’re up to their axles in water and all the roads leading into and out of the base here are flooded, that affects military readiness.” If the terrorist continue on the path they are on we will not need to worry about flooding, but according to Kerry we have to solve the climate change problem before we address solving the terrorist problem.

I really do not know what part of the world Kerry is talking about when he speaks of flooding. I have visited eleven different countries in the last fifteen years all countries I had visited previously when I was younger and frankly I did not witness any changes in their weather. I certainly did not witness any great floods in the Middle East.
I think the craziest statement made about climate change in the past six months was made by Bernie Sanders an Independent running in the Democratic primary election – he believes climate change CAUSES terrorism! Dear old Bernie agrees with Obama that it is the greatest problem the United States and the world faces. Dear old Bernie even repeated his claim the day after the latest terrorist attack in Paris. I guess Bernie does not know that ISIS killed more in Paris on that day than Hitler’s troops did when they occupied Paris in 1940.

The world temperate has raised about 1 degree and to combat that 1 degree increase Obama has spent 90 billion dollars of tax payer’s money on green jobs and he spent 5 billion dollars on electric cars. The Federal Food Stamp program costs an estimated 75 billion per year that is 15 billion less than Obama has spent on companies that have gone bankrupt trying to encourage green job industries in the United States. That should tell you where Obama and the Democrats priorities really are. They are more interested in their cronies that want to open green job industries than the poor.
No one can deny that Obama knows how to waste tax payer’s money. He is the King of Waste. It is estimated 175 billion dollars a year could end world hunger. Obama has increased our welfare food stamp budget to 75 billion dollars a year and we still have people going hungry in the United States. Just one more failed Obama program.

Do you remember in 2008, Obama Said adding $4 trillion to the National Debt was "Irresponsible" and "Unpatriotic” - shame on you President Bush? Obama had a program to reduce the National Debt, but in 2012, four years, not eight, he had raised the National Debt by 5.4 trillion. In 2009 Obama presented a program that was supposed to, "Cut the Deficit in half by the End of [His] First Term in Office.” I don’t think that happen, but I could be mistaken. Just one more failed Obama program.  Obama presented a plan that would Prevent 7 to 9 million families from foreclosure. Currently 5.6 million residential mortgages are either 30 Days delinquent or in foreclosure. Now I have to admit they claim Obama did help save 2 million from foreclosure. OOPS! Another failed Obama program. I am not going to waste time talking about ObamaCare. That is obviously a failure – you cannot keep your doctor, insurance is not cheaper, you have to pay for service you do not need or want and if you choose to opt out you have to pay nearly $1000 a year in fines and penalties. Obama was going to reduce college cost, but the cost of college is currently at "an all-time high." Nationally, the cost of a full credit load at a state college has passed $8,000. Throw in room and board, and the average cost for a state college now runs more than $17,000 a year. His education programs have failed. President Obama had a program to solve the energy crisis once and for all. His failed plan was to invest in clean energies like solar, wind, and biodiesel. Obama had a plan to restore America's standing in the world. Bowing to the Saudi King did not work! His plan included once again leading the world not just militarily, but diplomatically and economically. Maybe I have missed something, but I do not think any of the three happen. Need I say more?
We can rest easy though because all these failures do not matter much because our only major problem according to Obama is climate change.

I am beginning to wonder if climate change is not being used by some  in powerful places to prevent them from having to address the terrorist problem. It's as if the terrorist problem may be part of their agenda to reach a goal.  What could possibly be their goal  could it be- too weaken the Christian faith, too keep the economy weak, to bring about confusion among the people, to distract the people from what is happening in government, to create an energy problem or too start a major war or is it all of these things or a combination of them.

I have noticed that when the American Stock Market takes a nose dive it is not the upper 1% that gets hurt. It is the middle class that have their pension funds invested in the market. The upper 1% buy depressed stock  and make a hefty profit when stocks go up again.

It just does not make sense to me that powerful nations like the United States, Russia, China, Japan, Germany, England and France cannot wipe out a bunch of thugs in Syria, Iraq, Iran, Africa and Afghanistan. 



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