Saturday, December 5, 2015

Yes, I will be watchful of all Muslims and I do not apologize for it!

Muslim Americans are saying they fear their religion will be demonized and Islamophobia will spread after a young Muslim couple was accused of carrying out one of the bloodiest mass killings in the United States.

Across the country, Muslim Americans are said to have responded with shock and outrage after a shooting in which authorities say Syed Rizwan Farook, 28, and Tashfeen Malik, 27, stormed a holiday party attended by San Bernardino County employees in California on Wednesday, killing 14 people and wounding 21.

I do not care that they are shocked and outraged. I want them to stand up to the radicals that are causing non-Muslims around the world to look upon all Muslim with disdain. Moderate Muslim can stop this problem easier than anyone else.

Catholics did not ask people of other denominations or religions to solve our problem with our sexually abusive priest. We demanded I hierarchy to address the problem. I suggest Muslim do the same with their Imam’s.

I know what it is like to have the world look upon you with disdain because Catholics, especial Catholic priests, suffered the same response. We did not cry, whine and complain we knew we deserved it and we accepted our responsibility for it and addressed the issue.

San Bernardino police said they found pipe bombs and several thousand rounds of ammunition at the residence of the couple, who died in a shoot-out with police. This is not just work place violence this is Radical Islamic Terrorism. I confess it makes me wonder how many Muslims on my street may have the same in their homes. Am I being paranoid or security conscious? I really do not have the answer to that question. I think it may be a little of both.

Regardless of what our President may imply and some Muslims may say these two people and probably more intended to rain down terror on innocent Americans. He may have gone to the party and been insulted by a Christian woman and returned and killed 14 people at the party, but he and his wife planned a killing spree some place and it could have been at the center and most likely a second site. Only bullets stopped them from reaping more destruction on innocent Americans.

Regardless of what was said to him by another person he and his wife were not justified in carrying out their killing spree. No matter what I may feel or others may feel about Muslims at the moment it does not justify our going on a killing spree against innocent Muslims.

“In every culture and in every religion there are bad apples that will spoil the rest of the apples. That has happened toward us,” said Dawod Dawod, a 25-year-old Muslim American, who manages the store that his family has owned for a decade. What he says is true, but his inaction and the inaction of those ‘moderate’ Muslims like him against those in his religion that are radical justifies in my mind my anger at him and ‘moderates’ like him.

Between taking orders over the phone, Dawod said he was concerned that politicians will use the mass shooting as a way to further demonize Muslims. He noted Republican Presidential candidate Donald Trump’s endorsement of the idea of creating a Muslim database. If they policed themselves maybe a database of Muslims would not be necessary. If they took action against their Iman’s that support, encourage and teach radicalism maybe Trump would not have had to make the statement he did. Does he want Republicans to show the stupidity that our President Obama has shown? I think that is exactly what he wants and other Muslims, Democrats and Liberals want. They want us to act as if they should bear no blame for what is happening around the world.   

Dawood said, “It’s scary. Ninety-nine percent of Muslims are hardworking, good people.” That is probably true. But, does he not think Christians and people of other religions are not “scared” of his radical Islamic brothers and sisters? Why should we be scared and him not?  

Muslim community groups condemned the massacre with words and urged the public not to blame Islam or Muslims. Condemning with words and no action is not enough. Words are cheap! Stop supporting radical Imam’s with your presence and your money. Stop supporting radical mosque with your presence and your money. Report what you hear that is radical to the proper authorities. Start reporting your relatives and friends that are becoming radicalized.

 “The Muslim community stands shoulder to shoulder with our fellow Americans in repudiating any twisted mindset that would claim to justify such sickening acts of violence,” said Hussam Ayloush, an executive director at the Council on American-Islamic Relations. I am sorry, but I do not believe you mean that. Moderate Muslims lack of real action says differently.

Some Muslims say they have felt singled out during a Presidential race that has tapped a vein of anger and bigotry — from comments by Trump to those by fellow Republican candidate Ben Carson, who said in September Muslims were unfit for the Presidency of the United States. There are some 2.8 million Muslims in the country. I am thankful Republican candidates have more courage than our wimpy President Obama and call it like it is RADICAL ISLAMIC TERRORISTM! I hope if a Republican candidate is elected they will do more than talk and take whatever action needed to motive ‘moderate’ Muslims to take real action and clean up their own problems as we Catholic’s did our problem. 

Faizul Khan, 74, an Imam at the Islamic Society of the Washington Area, said, “He feared the shooting would strengthen calls to increase surveillance on mosques.” I hope so. I hope an F.B.I. agent will infiltrate every mosque in the United States to protect us from Islamic Radical Imam’s, since the Imam’s are not doing it themselves and in most cases are a major contributor to the problem.  

Jersey City real-estate agent Magdy Ali, 52 and of Egyptian descent, said, ““We are in a jam right now.” If they are in, they are in a jam that they allowed Radical Islamic Terrorist put them in, not Republican candidates, Republicans, conservatives or non-Muslims.

I am a Catholic priest retired – my priority is GOD, United States and Catholic Religion (a man-made religion). When Muslim living in the United States reaping the benefits provided by the United States, not worried their heads will be chopped off, adopt the following priorities GOD, United States and Islamic Religion (a man-made religion) then I may feel different towards ‘moderate’ Muslims, until then I will approach all Muslims with suspicion and caution in order to try and protect myself.

At one time I would have said my priorities were God, Family and Country. Times have changed. Family and country have become the same to me and both need protected. I am not going to sacrifice my country or innocent people in society for any family member  or friend that becomes radicalized - Muslim, White Supremacy, Black Panthers or any other radical group.  




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