Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Stop making Christianity look like the religion of fools!

 I feel much more comfortable now that I know GOD told Televangelist Frank Amedia, who leads Touch Heaven Ministries in Ohio, that Donald Trump would be the GOP presidential nominee and he believes God "raised up" the real estate mogul to help pave the way for the Second Coming. I would be more comfortable with his prophetic message if he would have made it public before Trump clinched the GOP presidential nomination.

Amedia also revealed during the interview that he has healed cancer with the power of prayer and stopped a tsunami by appealing to Jesus. If you want to learn more of what GOD  has told this man just watch the evangelical Daystar network. I wish God would have advised Amedia in advance about 9/11, ISIS, Bengasi and the burning of 19 girls in Syria that refused to have sex with ISIS soldiers.

I am not mocking Christianity, but I think men like Amedia do more harm for Christianity than good. People around the world are mocking Christianity because some Christian preachers like Amedia make these ridiculous claims for personal fame and money. I do not really know what Donald Trump thinks of Amedia’s prophecy, but I would be willing to bet he has had a few laughs over it with his family.

I thought Donald Trump would win the primaries not because God wanted Grump to issue in the Second Coming, but because Americans are sick and tired of Republican and Democrat politicians. Just like Filipino's are sick and tired of their government leaders and elected a man like Trump. I think Trump has a chance to win the Presidential election if he stops letting his mouth engage before his brain engages.  I still believe in free will and it is up to voters to make the right choice not God. 

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