Saturday, November 14, 2015

My prayers are with the citizens of France.

My prayers are with the people of France today. As 9/11 is a day Americans will not forget I am sure what happen last night will not be forgotten by the people of France. It should not be forgotten by civilized people of the world.

I know that I am going to offend some people, but I feel the need to express my opinion on the Muslim terrorist situation that has changed the ‘norm’ of civilized society.

I have heard a well-known Fox News commentator and host say often on various programs that the people of the world cannot allow the terrorist to win. We must go on with our daily lives as if nothing has happen. The goal of the terrorist is to disrupt life as the world knows it. They want to instill fear. That all sound good and is probably valid, but his daughter was in Paris in the stadium where one of the terrorist attacks took place. Fox News got his daughter on a live broadcast and this same reporter that tells us to go on with our lives as if nothing happened is now telling his daughter, “Baby you stay where you are. Do not go outside. Do not answer the door. Do not talk to any strangers. Daddy has chartered a private plane and will come and get you the first thing in the morning. Baby do you want to come home to which the daughter replies, “yes, daddy I want to come home as soon as possible come get me.” It is amazing how our attitudes change when circumstances are affecting us or our family personally.

I have thought and shared with close friends, one being Muslim, that Non-Muslims cannot solve this terrorist problem. Muslims must solve the problem. All we can do is assist them in doing so. Far too long now moderate Muslims have remain quiet and allowed a group of Muslim thugs to highjack their religion. I believe as long as these moderates refuse to speak out and attack the terrorist the problem will persist and only grow worse.

How do we get the moderate Muslims to take action is the big questions? Muslims are no different than the rest of society. People in today’s society do not get involved in problems until it begins to affect them directly. How do we make sure that all Muslims around the world are affected by the problem, especially the wealthy and middle-class Muslims?

Perhaps First World countries should stop all immigration of Muslims. Perhaps First World Country should stop issuing study visa’s to Muslims. Perhaps First World countries should stop issuing travel visa’s to all Muslims for twelve to twenty-four months. Perhaps First World countries should stop issuing medical visas. Perhaps First World countries should stop allowing trade with Muslim countries that are known to be supporting terrorist causes. I know these are all harsh recommendations and will create problems for Muslims that are not terrorist but perhaps harsh actions is what it will take to make them take action against the Muslim terrorist.  

My caregiver is Muslim. I know the actions of the terrorist are not the true religion of Islam. I respect his religion as he respects mine. I would never try to convert him. If he is to be converted that is the work of the Holy Spirit. I can live my life in such a way that he may be inclined someday to convert. I would not be honest if I denied the fact that two of his brothers being members of the M.I.L.F. did not offend me. What offends me the most is the rest of his family do not speak out against them even though they disapprove of their membership? He tells me they do not speak out against their brothers because it would cause the brothers to “lose face” and they want to maintain peace in the family. What about maintaining peace in the world? If this is the practice and attitude of all Muslim families the terrorist will not be stopped.

War is not the answer. The terrorist want war. They want to die. They want to be martyrs. You eliminate one there are fifteen waiting to replace the one. We are engaged in a situation our government does not understand, especially President Obama.  Our government nor did the French government understand the Vietcong and both major powers left Vietnam defeated. Are we going to be defeated in the battle against Muslim terrorist? Are we all going to be forced to convert to Islam one day – that is what the terrorist want!


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