Saturday, May 21, 2016

I feel like a foreigner in my own country

I am reading “We the People” by Juan Williams.  I agree with his facts, but disagree with some of his conclusions.  That is only natural since he is liberal and I am conservative. I really do not know if I can define myself as a conservative any longer, since I believe it is time for a change in the Republican Party. I still believe in conservative ideas, but I also believe in moving forward and adapting to cultural changes, technological changes and scientific changes as new knowledge comes available. It appears to me that today’s right ring conservative Republican Party wants to go back to the days of the Founding Fathers. They have their heads buried in the sand.  I wonder if they realize that would include slavery, no rights for women, no social safety nets, etc.

A 2015 poll conducted by Reuters found that 62% of Republicans, 53% of Independents and 37% of Democrats feel like a stranger in their own country. I have not been back to the United States since 2005 and I do not think I would recognize the United States of today.  It is a strange feeling for I feel as if I no longer have a country. I am a foreigner in the Philippines and I think I would feel like a foreigner in the United States. The Right Wing of my party has gone too far. They are no longer open to new ideas, they think like most fundamentalist religious folks - their way is the only way, the party has become the party of bigot’s, hypocrites and judgmental Pharisees.  I support Donald Trump, but I do not like a lot of his rhetoric. I support him because I think he is the only one that can bring change to the Republican Party. Good or bad I am willing to gamble because what we have done for decades is not working.

I have no trust in any part of the government. Politicians (Republican and Democrat) think the solution to every problem is to throw more tax dollars into failed programs. You would think that by now they could see that the school system continues to fail regardless of the money invested in public schools. The welfare programs not only have failed, but poverty continues to increase. Obamacare may have helped some people, but hurt more people than it helped – especially the middle class.

This campaign cycle has proven to us we the people do not control the primary outcome the party bosses do. Hillary will become the nominee regardless of what the people want and ONLY Donald Trump saved us Republicans from Cruz or Bush. The Obama’s Iran deal definitely proved elected politicians will lie to the people in order to get what they want regardless of how dangerous it is to future generations. I guess what upsets me the most they all think they know better what is good for us than we know. They treat us like children.

There is a new America that the Republican Party had better begin to recognize or they will find it more difficult to win national elections in the future. It consist of young people, white women and Asian, black and Latino voters.  That new America is interested in universal healthcare, contraception, school reform, immigration reform, lower taxes and yes climate control. It might surprise most conservative Republicans that there are people among those in the new America that hold a more conservative viewpoint than the Democrat Party and liberals in general, but not as conservative as right wing conservatives. The Republican Party bosses have allowed the right wing of our party to make it known to those people they are not welcome in our Party.

The millennial generation of Americans, those born after 1980 is made up of 40% people of color. They have little to no problem with gays, gay marriage, interracial dating and marriage.  They grew up with women in leadership roles. The Democrats are catering to these voters while the Republicans act as if they do not exist or that they will die off due to some horrendous disease that God will send upon them as punishment.

The vote this week where dozens of House Republicans switched their votes and defeated a measure to protect gay rights is once again a perfect example that the conservative right wing of the Republican Party does not understand the millennials and are out of touch with the majority of American and 2016 culture. President Barack Obama immediately issued an executive order that bars discrimination against LGBT employees by federal contractors his actions sends a message to moderate conservatives that bigotry is alive and well in the Republican Party.

Our Founding Fathers were great men, but they were mortal and they made mistakes/sinned in both their public and private lives.  I have grown tired of hearing the right wing of our party act as if our Founding Fathers were infallible.

The Founding Fathers did not eliminate slavery. They did not give blacks and women equal rights -  not even the right to vote – racial and gender equality was something they did not understand. Most of them owned slaves. They did not provide any type of safety net for the poor, orphans or widows. Our Founding Fathers forbid people from forming labor unions. Our Founding Fathers did not include God, Jesus and other deities in the Declaration of Independence or the Constitution or the Bill of Rights – that was not an oversight. They struggle with religion in politics as we do today. In fact Franklin, Jefferson, Madison Washington and Adams did not even believe in Jesus as the Son of God. The Founding Fathers favored morality over dogma. Ethan Allen a Founding Father said, “I am no Christian.” John Adams signed a treaty that stated, “The United States is not, in any sense, founded on the Christian religion.” Thomas Paine said, “… all churches accuse other churches of unbelief.” Thomas Jefferson wanted to make sure their was a wall of division between government and religion. He did not want any religion dictating public policy.

Thomas Jefferson said, “… no society can make a perpetual constitution or even a perpetual law … the dead should not be a weight on future generations, but that is exactly what the right wing of the Republican Party do with their strict interpretations of the Constitution and trying to apply what the Founding Fathers thought then with their limited knowledge and apply it to to us in 2016. We need to always remember what the Founding Fathers wanted then would not necessarily be what they would want in 2016.

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