Sunday, January 24, 2016

The National Review stands for outdated conservatism.

The National Review taking on Donald Trump should help Trump if you are tired of politics as usual. It is the men that wrote the article in National Review that has given us the Republican Party we have today. If you like the Repub/Demo Party presently in Washington you will like the article and listen to their advice. If you are tired of politics as usual and Republican politicians too weak to stand up to a Democrat President you will rebel against the article and support Trump.

The article in National Review is an attempt to end a Donald Trump run for the White House once and for all. The National Review has decided that Trump is not conservative enough and believes the Republican voters will once again fall in step with them as we have in the past.

Publications like National Review, run by elite "conservatives" have given us "No Child Left Behind," Medicare Part D, huge deficits to woo select voters, "Romneycare", John McCain, Barry Goldwater and the list goes on and on. This elite conservative group should take some credit for giving us Obama.

William F. Buckley, who founded National Review, used the magazine to publish a series of essays by conservative intellectuals who helped foster the Reagan Revolution and since Reagan it has been on the decline. Let us not forget it was the Tea Party that gave new life to the Republican Party not the elitist at National Review. What have the elitist at National Review done for the middle class?

If it was not for the elitist that wrote the article for National Review there would be no need for a Donald Trump in 2016. They created the need for Donald Trump. They contributed to the bad legislation that keeps Trump high in the polls. They created a need for change in the Republican Party. They are the reason Republican voters are mad as hell! These are the same people who thought Donald Trump’s campaign was a joke. They are so out of touch with Americans they did not even see his being in first or second place as possible. They aren't credible in their criticism of Trump because they never saw it coming and they still do not get it.

For too long the Republican Party has been run by the country club crowd and it is time we return the Republican Party to the Blue Collar middle class crowd. At least Donald Trump has relationships with his employees from the janitors to the Vice Presidents. The elitist that have taken over the Republican Party only come in contact with the middle class when they need their swimming pool repaired. Donald Trump has worked with iron workers, electricians, carpenters, service personnel, union workers on a regular basis. He understands the importance of the working class.

The elitist in the Republican Party have not fixed the border problems, the illegal immigration problem, the deficit problem, the education problem, the health care problem, the lack of jobs problem, the veteran’s problems, etc. Why would we listen to what they think or say now? They must think the people that really make up the Republican Party (the voters) are fools.

They have failed us, not Donald Trump! They are more concerned with their brand of conservatism which is good for the elite, but not good for the middle class. There is a reason that politicians in Mexico tried for generations to stop the growth of their middle class. The elitist in Mexico knew a strong middle class would take power and control away from them. The elitist in the Republican Party do not want to lose power.

It is time we had less thinkers and more doers at the head of the Republican Party. Donald Trump is a thinker and doer.

The National Review and other elitist Republicans have found themselves losing its hold on the Republican Party. They realize if Trump or a Trump like politicians take control of the Republican Party they will no longer hold its elitist seat at the Republican Party table and there certainly is no place for them in the Democrat Party.

Trump is not the first person National Review has tried to destroy. They presently have several lawsuits filed against them and if they should lose those cases it would probably be the end of National Review. Should we take the advice of elitist journalist that have run a company for over 50 years and made no profit? They have lost over 50 million dollars.

I am glad the Republican Party “disinvited" National Review from participating in an upcoming debate. It is a first. During the past 50 years the elitist at National Review have had too much power over the Republican Party and we got what we have today.

During the dark period in American history when segregation and integration was a political issue it was National Review and William F. Buckley that supported segregation and said white men were superior to blacks. He even stated if blacks were the majority then the white minority white should still rule. He suggested maybe blacks should not be allowed to vote.  He claimed the white race was the advanced race. Is that the type of conservatism we want in 2016? They were definitely wrong then and they are wrong now.

If what you have been doing hasn’t worked only a fool continues to do it the same way. Obama’s promise for change was campaign trash, but America needs change and without it we are going to be another Greece.

I cannot honestly say that I will vote for Trump at this time, but every day it seems to me it is better to gamble on Donald Trump than what we’ve got! When the extreme left and the extreme right come out against Trump he only looks better to me. 

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