Monday, January 18, 2016

Obama's negotiations did not get our Navy personnel released!

Iran's seizure of two U.S. naval ships and President Barack Obama's response show that Iran the country the president hoped would secure his foreign policy legacy has the ability to hold him hostage.

Obama didn’t mention the incident in the Persian Gulf during his State of the Union speech because Obama and his administration did not consider the boarding of the ships and the seizure of 10 U.S. sailors to be a "hostile act." Instead, the president praised Iran and the diplomatic agreement he had made with them in spite of the fact that the majority of Americans do not support his private deal with Iran.  

Even though Iran quickly released the 10 U.S. military personnel it still shows that despite a nuclear agreement with the West, Iran’s Revolutionary Guard Corps is willing to board U.S. vessels, take American soldiers into custody, and, according to CNN confiscate the crew's communications and GPS equipment.

Secretary of State John Kerry’s call to Iranian Foreign Minister Javad Zarif is not evidence to me that relationships between the United States and Iran have improved. Iran was not influenced by John Kerry or Obama they did exactly what they wanted to do. Iran was looking to humiliate the United States and they did. The Iranian state press reported the sailors had been “arrested” for “snooping”. The Obama administration, as they did in during the Benghazi crisis, lied telling us the boats had malfunctioned. The two boats function the next day without any repairs being made to them.

If the Iranian government respected Obama or the United States it would not have taken several hours before the captured sailors were allowed to make contact with their superiors. If the Iranian government feared any retaliation from Obama and the United States they would have immediately called Washington and advised them what had happen and that they were working to resolve the problem. Instead the Iranian government did nothing until they had their humiliating videos and press releases in place.

The incident is just the latest in a series of Iranian provocations since agreeing to the private Obama nuclear deal in July. In late December, Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps vessels fired unguided missiles near the USS Truman; the U.S. did not retaliate. Also last month, Kerry wrote to the Iranian government to assure it the U.S. government would waive new visa restrictions passed by Congress, after Tehran objected. The U.S. indefinitely delayed imposing sanctions on Iran in response to its tests of ballistic missiles in violation of United Nations sanctions. The United States will remain hostage to Iran as long as Obama is in office.

Obama’s last State of the Union message was supposed to convey to the American people and the world that we are all safer and more secure because of Obama’s diplomatic achievements. Iran’s flaunting they could take two U.S. Navy vessels without any fear of retaliation did not make me feel safer or more secure.

To my friends in the Philippines if Obama will not stand up to Iran in defense of the United States do you honestly think he will stand up for you against China.

Iran released the U.S. Navy personnel because they knew the American people would revolt if Obama attempted to go ahead with the release of 150 billion dollars while our personnel was still being held hostage. Iran wanted the 150 billion dollars and to show Obama and the United States who is really in charge in the Middle East. They accomplished both!

The Obama’s administration's without knowing all the details immediately began to play down the incident and to seek accommodation with Tehran. That has been Obama’s approach to the Iran deal since its conception even though Iran has continued to escalates tensions with the U.S. and its allies.

Obama’s legacy in my opinion will be that of the first President in my lifetime that did not stand up for the rights of the United States. Iran knows that Obama is looking for the Iran deal to be his crowning legacy and they are playing him for a fool. Obama is in a no win situation and Iran knows that. Obama chose to go to the dance with Iran and as we say in the South, “You have to leave with the one that brought you.” Obama has no choice but stay in bed with Iran or see his legacy go down the toilet.

Something we hear little to nothing about in the media is the upcoming elections in Iran. Iran's parliament and powerful assembly of experts will choose Iran's next supreme leader within a month, which has the ultimate authority over Iran's nuclear program. With a stroke of a pen Obama’s Iran deal can be abolished and they will still have their 150 billion dollars to support more terrorism.

Once again we have been manipulated by our politicians and we have stood by passively as they have done it! Why have we allowed one man, Obama, to negotiate a private deal with a terrorist country that has for more than 35 years wanted to destroy us and our only middle east ally Israel? Will we, the American people, ever have the courage and the guts to take back our country from the Washington elite? 

Note: Iran says seizure of U.S. boats a lesson to ‘troublemakers’ in U.S. Congress,” Iran’s army chief Major General Hassan Firouzabadi said on Wednesday the seizure of two U.S. navy boats and their 10 sailors should be a lesson to members the U.S. Congress trying to impose new sanctions on Tehran. It is reported he went on to say some of the Navy personnel were so frightened they cried.

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