Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Why do Filipinos ask are you Catholic or Christian?

Catholicism is a denomination, and is, therefore, a subset of Christianity. All Catholics are Christians, but not all Christians are Catholics. A Christian refers to a follower of Jesus Christ who may be a Catholic, Protestant, Gnostic, Mormon, Evangelical, Anglican or Orthodox, or follower of another branch of the Christian religion.

Once again I had a man ring my door bell and when I went to the gate he said, “Sir, are you Catholic or a Christian.” My reply, “Sir I am a Christian Catholic.”

The Catholic Church is the largest of the Christian Churches - about 60% of Christians are Catholic. Catholics are expected to participate in the liturgical life, celebrate and revere Jesus' sacrifice on the cross and celebrate seven sacraments Baptism, Eucharist, Confirmation, Matrimony, Anointing of Sick, Holy Orders and Confession.

Catholics use the same Bible as Protestant Christian, but we do have some additional books.  The Catholic Church protected the Bible across the ages until the Gutenberg press was invented in the 16th century. There was no Bible until 397 when the Catholic Church decided on what books belong there. Before that there were hundreds of letters and the Septuagint. Even the word Bible is not in the Bible. It was coined by Catholics. It means books.  We believe in the Virgin Birth. We acknowledge the resurrection of Christ. We believe in the ascension of Jesus Christ. We believe in the second coming of Christ. We even celebrate Mass (services) every day of the week not just one, two or three times a week. We believe that mankind needs forgiveness of sins and the Father sent his Son to save humanity from sin. We believe in eternal life, hell and heaven. We believe Jesus Christ made salvation possible. We believe in the Ten Commandments. We believe in the Trinity - Father, Son and Holy Spirit – one God.  "Trinity" is a Catholic doctrine that predates the Evangelical community by 1200 years. That word isn't even in the Bible.
When I first came to the Philippines ten years ago I had to scratch my head for a few moments because it never occurred to me that some people didn't think Catholics are Christian. I did not know if Catholics in the Philippines were being taught they were not Christians or that Protestants in the Philippines were teaching that Catholics were not Christian. I have a big problem with any organization that says "Catholics are not Christians," because they are ignoring the history of Christianity. The name Christian predates all Protestant and Evangelical Churches by over a millennium.

The Bible didn't fall out of the sky, spiral bound with a King James Version sticker on it. It has a rich Catholic history.
I even had one ask me if you are Christian then why do you say you are Catholic. That is when I started saying I am a ‘Christian Catholic’. But, to that person and other like him I ask you why do Protestant Christians say they are Baptists, Pentecostals, United, Methodist, or even nondenominational instead of simply saying I am a Christian? The word Catholic was used by the year 110 A.D. to distinguish the Church of the Apostles from heretical teachings. It means ‘universal’.

The modern Evangelical movement is a result of numerous splits that occurred after the Reformation, in the 1500's. Protestant is a word that came from some Christians protesting the teachings and rules of the Catholic Church. The only other Churches not to be in union with Rome before that are the Orthodox Church which split off in 1054 A.D.  For over 1000 years there was only one Church – the Catholic Church. Whether or not someone agrees with Catholic doctrine is their choice. But all who look at history honestly will admit that Catholics are clearly Christian.
I am disturbed even more by Catholics who will say “I am not a Christian, I am Catholic.”  There are Catholics living on my street that say that. To many Catholics, the terms “Christian” and “Protestant” are synonymous.

I am not saying that Catholics and Protestant interpret the Bible the same way. I am not saying all their doctrines agree. I am not saying Catholics and Protestants are in complete unity regarding their teachings. I am not saying Catholics are right or Protestants are right. I am not saying Catholics are wrong or Protestants are wrong. Quite honestly, I think both are right on some issues and wrong on some issues. I do not agree with all the doctrine of any ‘denomination’.
The Roman Catholic Church is indeed a Christian Church, and Roman Catholics are Christians. I agree with Alan Schreck when he says, “Satan has been able to use lack of understanding (both among Catholics and others) to divide Christians from one another and to divert their attention and energies away from proclaiming the gospel of Jesus Christ and advancing his kingdom on earth.”

Some Christians believe:
•Roman Catholics don’t believe that Jesus is raised from the dead - some people mistakenly think this because of the prominence of the crucifix in Roman Catholic Churches

Some Christians believe:
•Roman Catholics worship Mary and other saints. If any Catholics are they are not following the doctrine of the Catholic Church.

Some Christians believe:
•Roman Catholics believe they can save themselves apart from the work of Christ.

Some Christians believe:
•Roman Catholics believe that only Roman Catholics are saved.

I suggest before you start evangelizing for your denomination and trying to covert Catholics to Protestants you know what Catholics believe, not what you have been told they believe! I would give the same warning to Catholics, but frankly I unfortunately do not know any Catholics that try to get people to attend church with them.

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