Thursday, November 5, 2015

What do you think God requires of us?

God requires all people to practice justice, kindness and humility.  Everyone, even the poor and weak, are to be treated justly. The word kindness is found 247 times in the Bible. There is no question that God requires us to help (serve) others. Humility is to be at the core of our character. We are to give God the credit for the good in our life and God does not like people who boast. We should all ask ourselves regularly how we are living out God’s call for justice, kindness and humility. We make a choice to obey or not.

If God requires justice, kindness and humility from the people then God requires it of the church, since the church is the people of God and not a building. The church should serve members, non-members, believers and non-believers.

Churches that serve those outside the church grow and example of this is Resurrection Methodists Church in Kansas City, Kansas. They give millions of dollars and members time each year to provide services for people outside their church and over the past twenty-five years have become the largest Methodist Church in the world. They live their faith with their pastor setting the example.

Not all churches are like Resurrection Methodists instead of focusing on serving others they are focusing on lighting in the church.  The battle of the music worship war lasted thirty years and was a focus on self and personal preferences instead of God and others. Let’s hope bright lights or subdue lights do not do the same.
What will be your reply when you meet Christ face to face and He asks ‘what did you do for the least of my people’? The choices you make now will determine what you say then so make wise choices. Choices made, whether bad or good follow us forever and affect everyone in their path in one way or another.

Your legacy will be based on the choices you made! If your legacy is based on the choices you made then it is obvious that your choices can affect future generations. Are you making choices that you want your children and grandchildren to model? Choice after choice will write the story of your life.

Unfortunately we are tempted to make emotional choices that satisfy our immediate need or want. We read in Jeremiah, “The heart is deceitful above all things and can be dangerous.” It is easy for us to deceive ourselves to get what we want. We all have talked ourselves into things that we knew in the end might not be good for us. Making debt (buying on credit) is a perfect example of this.
Be honest with yourself and you will make better choices. Ask yourself do you really need that new house or car at this time? Regrets are related to bad choices and bad choices can bring shame and pain that will last a lifetime. Any choice that brings honor to God is a good choice! Any choice that is just, kind and done with humility is a good choice!



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