Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Lose your independence and you lose your freedom

I believe the most difficult thing I have had to deal with in aging is the lost of my independence due to health issues. I am now 75 and I realize the end is nearer than it was just a few years ago, but that does not concern me. We all travel the same path when born and that path ultimately leads to death.

My father died when I was a teenager and I guess that made death more of reality for me than to most young people. The first thing I bought when I got out of high school was cemetery lots and a burial policy. I have always kept my funeral plans written down in order not to burden someone with it later. It may sound morbid to some, but to me it was being practical and responsible.

My father was a good man, but he was an alcoholic until two years before he died. His problem made me want a different life. My great grandfather, grandfather, father and his two brothers were alcoholics, but SUCCESSFUL men. I wanted the success without the addiction problem so I avoided anything and everything that I thought my lead to an addiction.  

I learned early on material things cannot make you happy. I never heard my father say I love you or I am proud of you – NEVER! At 75 that still leaves an emotional scar. My mother would tell me you know your father loves you he just does not know how to show it. Those words brought little comfort to me. It has been said you do not grow up missing what you never had, but I do not think that is true. I think if in your childhood you felt unloved you can always long for love and it can lead you to making poor choices in matters of love.

Because we never knew what might set my father off I learned it was best to be very quiet around the house. Trying to prevent any conflict made me very observant of the things around me and very responsible. My father was not physically abusive, but he was verbally abusive and it created an unsafe atmosphere that I cannot escape even until this day.

I grew up with a need to please others. I cannot say if it was to gain friends and influence people or if it made me feel more secure and safe. I do know now that trying to please everyone does not work. I really learned that in ministry. There are always factions and divisions in the church and I finally realized I could not please the entire parish so one Sunday I made it clear that from then on I  was only interested in pleasing God and doing what I felt God was leading me to do and if anyone did not like it they knew where the door was and I hope they found things better at their new parish. When you try to please everyone you lose all sense of authority. I later realized that was my mother’s problem.

As a young adult, prior to ministry, I felt so unsafe and insecure that I always ended relationships when they became too close. I always felt they were going to end anyway and it was less painful if I ended them rather than be rejected by someone else.  I realize how unfair that was and I am now aware that it possibly prevented me from having a loving wife, children and grandchildren today. I do not think it had anything to do with me wanting to be a minister, but it could have had a lot to do with me wanting to be a Catholic priest.

I always felt a need to be available to those who were suffering. Unfortunately for many years I felt a need to try and fix the problems and when I could not it left me depressed. I am still learning to do the best I can and then let it go. I have also learned that sometimes when you try to fix someone else’s problems you can do more harm than good.

All my life I have found it difficult to ask anyone for help. I am still guilty of that. I do not know if it is because I am afraid they will not come through or that I do not want to be a burden on others. I also find it difficult to deal with the emotions when people express gratitude for things I have done for them, but then I resent it when people take my help for granted. I am really screwed up in many ways. It gives me great joy to bless others and I am blessed when I do.

I have always been very restless always looking for new projects.  I have had many people say Father you have done many great things why don’t you just rest. The words rest and quit are not in my vocabulary. Rest makes me bored. That is what makes old age and bad health so hard for me to deal with. I view life as being short and I do not want to waste any of it. If I can do two or more things at a time I will. 

Friends tease me about my vacations. I spend months planning them out, hour per hour, more time planning than the time I spend on the vacation. I know I only have a limited time in each place and I do not want to miss anything by wasting time looking for something to do. I even map out every location I want to see. I do not think I have ever really been content or satisfied. I always feel there is more, more adventure, more to do, more to accomplish, etc.

I often think of leaving the Philippines, but deep down I know that would not solve my problems. I would still have the same issues to deal with, but the excitement of moving is still there. I constantly need new stimulation. I am still impatient a trait I certainly do not like. My caregiver is constantly telling me I make decision too fast and that I rely on instincts too much.  I suppose it may be a sign of some immaturity, but to me it is a sign of faith. When you feel something is right why waste time going through all the what ifs and maybes. If you fail learn from your mistakes, pick yourself up and move forward.

Often I understand something rationally and intellectually, but it does not change the way I feel emotionally. I see a problem and I know it is not my problem, but emotionally I feel a need to do what I can and I do. It usually turns out for the best, but I have had guns and knifes pulled on me when trying to stop a fight. Once in Galveston two homeless men were fighting in the street outside the Salvation Army. I stop my car and went to try and end the fight. A social worker at the Salvation Army that knew me came running out screaming and when all had calm down she said Father why do you do things like that. You could have been hurt or even killed and for what. Those men contribute nothing to society. I do not know why, but it is just something I always did and would do now if I could.

If you can understand why you do things it helps. I now understand a lot of what I did and do comes out of my problems in childhood. I wish all parents realized the lifetime impressions they are making on their children daily. Those impressions can lead your child to happiness or a life of sadness, greatness or failure, the ability to love or not be able to love. Your role as parents is most likely the most important role you will ever have in your life.

I would also like to warn those who are always craving more not to mess up what they have in order to get more. No mater how much “more” you have you most likely will always want “more”. Never being satisfied can lead you to disaster or greatness depending on how you manage it. If the need for things controls you instead of you controlling the need you are on the road to disaster.

Much of our adult life is influenced by what happened to us as children. The memories, feeling and fears are still their in our subconscious. Still there waiting to help us move forward or to set us back. Be wise and control them - do not let them control you. We like to think we are our own people, but sometimes if we look close enough we discover we are not. History has a habit of repeating itself.

Growing old has a way of making everything from the past fall in place. Things I once could not talk about I can freely recall and talk about today. Things I spent a lifetime trying not to face I can face with confidence.  I am grateful to God that the hard times have not made me hardhearted. I by the grace of God remain open to being hurt again. I have always been able to forgive, not forget, but forgive and forgiveness sets you free.

I spoke of avoiding addictions. I avoided substance addition, but the addition to work I did not. I am a workaholic. That to makes lost of my independence even more difficult so begin to day to try and learn how to BALANCE your time between work and pleasure. There may come a time when your daily work routine will be interrupted, but your relationship with others never has to be interrupted if you continual nourish them.

I would not want to relive life, but I am glad for all the opportunities God has given me good and bad for I have learned from them all.

Do not be hard on yourself. Do not filter what you truly believe in order to please others. Always be honest and truthful. Always be kind to others because you never know what they are going through at any given time. Remember we were not created to always be happy regardless of what some preacher or friend tells you. If we were always happy we would not appreciate the happy times as we do. Always hold on to hope for without hope life is over.

If you do not remember any of what I have written please remember this EVERYONE has good and bad times. Everyone has happy days and depressing days. Everyone has problems and secrets. No one is perfect not even that man or woman you call your religious leader. He or she carries some baggage from childhood and is influence by past experience just like you.

Friday, May 27, 2016

Does a middle class still exist in the U.S.A.?

 After World War II the American middle class grew. The recession of 2008 struck America and the middle class started its decline. As the number of people in the middle class shrunk the number of people living in poverty grew. “Outsourcing” became the norm for corporate America.

I remember talking with a Southwestern Bell Telephone service man in my office one day. He was talking about the jobs that were being lost in the telephone company to outsourcing. He told me at one time there were information operators working in the Texas City area and now their jobs had been sent to India. I could not believe it. He picked up the phone and dial information and handed me the phone. He instructed me to ask for someone’s number and when they give it to you ask them where they are physically located.  At first the person did not want to tell me her location, but then she reluctantly said India. Out sourcing was a large factor that contributed to the decline of the middle class. Technology has made it cheaper and as fast to route a local call to India where labor is cheaper.

The nations economy grew, but the average Americans income shrank.  The rich stayed rich, the poor stayed poor and the middle class started to disappear. A man name Milton Friedman, an economist, was most responsible for this and he never held an elected office. Friedman believed corporations should have only one goal and that was make a profit for their shareholders. President Reagan bought in to his lower taxes and less regulation theory. Friedman was against the government controlling anything related to the economy.

Perhaps the problem originated by a man that had opposite views of Friedman and he was John Maynard Keynes. President Roosevelt bought into Keynes ideas and the “New Deal” was born. Keynes believed the government should borrow money and put people to work in public service building roads and bridges. His theory was put people to work earning money and they will be less cautious with their money and retail sales will increase and the economy as a whole will increase. Keynes supported the idea of lower interest rates so people who had money in savings accounts in banks would move them to more risky investment paying better dividends. Keynes ideas seem good following the depression, but the problem, which is common with government programs, the programs never end they just grow larger. Politicians seem to always take everything either not far enough or too far.

The “New Deal” in my opinion was a contributor to today's “Welfare State”.  Anytime a government program is not working politicians do not really seek solutions to the problems because it is easier for them to throw more tax payers money into the failed program. Other peoples money is always the politicians solution to problems.

I do not think their has ever been a government program where politicians looked at the long term effects before making it a policy or set dates to terminate programs once they no longer served a purpose. If they have it meant nothing because they will simply extent the program when it ends.  

I blame the government for the depression and the current recession.  Both involved the government limiting bank loans which reduced the supply of money, which reduced economic expansion. I have a problem with income inequality being what it is today, but the government made income inequality possible. Only the super rich had access to money.

I support government regulations to a point. But, as I said earlier politicians always carry everything too far or not far enough. They want to try and make everyone happy in order to win the next election. We need term limits.

Friedman opposed all government regulations when it came to the market place (I support some). He opposed the F.D.A. (their regulations have gone too far). He opposed farm subsidies (I do now). He opposed holding corporations responsible for any adverse effect they had on communities (they should be responsible for the damage they create). He opposed National Parks (I support National Parks, but concede the Federal Government owns too much land). He opposed the military draft (I support the draft). He opposed privatizing the postal service (I support privatizing the postal service). He opposed government monopoly on public education (I am not in favor of taxes paying for private education, but I do support parents choosing which public school to send their children to and I support the firing of unqualified teachers). He opposed Social Security and favored privatizing the retirement income system ( I am not in favor of that at this time). He opposed welfare (I oppose welfare which does not require people to do government work to earn it. I oppose free handouts, except for physical and mental problem which make working impossible). He opposed the ban on illegal recreation drugs (I support the ban). He opposed state-run companies (I agree with him). He opposed trade tariffs and quotas (I support trade tariffs and quotas).

I do not think the government is the solution to every problem. Unfortunately many Americans have come to believe the government is the solution to every problem. Unions and the government created inflation. What difference does it make how much your pay increases if the cost of living goes higher?  What have we gained? We have done nothing but price ourselves out of the International work force. Every time wages go up prices go up. Should the government fix prices on medicine and medial care – maybe! I do not really understand how I can buy the same medication in the Philippines for ½ or less of what it cost in America. I know inflation is why I pay $100 for a doctors visit in the U.S. and pay $6 in the Philippines. Do not tell me it has anything to do with the quality of care the doctor gives.  ALL my doctors got their degrees from the University of Texas Medical College or University of Alabama in Birmingham, Alabama. They all have licensed to practice medicine in Texas or Alabama and in Germany.

I am against corporation putting profit over everything else. If you investigate every corporate scandal it always leads back to executives putting profit above workers, communities or the country. Greed is celebrated in the corporate world today.

I am for limited government, but I am not for total unlimited government. Corporate greed comes when all restrictions are removed. Environmental destruction, income disparity all come when there are no restrictions. BALANCE is the key and politicians do not know when to stop or how far to go.

Why are students so dumb today?

All one has to do is watch Jesse Waters on Fox Network and you will see how really dumb students are today. It makes no difference if he interviews students at Yale, Harvard, or Podunk Community College they are dumb.

Do they even teach history, geography and government in public schools.  It appears they do not require college students to take basic courses the first two years in college any longer.  They do not even know the basics of politics, government, geography, economy or the social system. They have no reality of how we got to where we are today.

I watched as he ask who the Vice President of the United States is. I believe only one out of about twenty knew. One even said Al Gore! They ask about Bernie Sanders and one said he is the guy who owns all the buildings. If they are our future our future looks bleak.  How are they not going to make the same mistakes we did if they do not have any knowledge of history?

I am beginning to think our students are functionally illiterate. Whose fault is it? I am beginning to think it is our fault and not their fault. We allowed the politicians, teachers unions and educators to destroy our schools. We listen as they told us in the 80’s it was more important for the students to feel good about themselves than to actually learn the correct information. If Johnny thinks 2+2=5, it’s okay because he will eventually learn it’s 4. We not only listen we believed their crap and allowed them to adopt it in our schools.

Mark J. Perry, a professor at the University of Michigan claims the grade “A” is now the most common grade given to students. D’s and F’s are typically less than 10% of all letter grades. What is even more shocking is private universities give more A’s and B’s than public universities.

Students and their parents are being ripped off. Anthropology professor Karen-Sue Taussig at the University of Minnesota said, “They’re paying for it,  and they worked really hard, and they put in time, and therefore they think they should get a good grade.” Not only do the students think they deserve the good grade the professors are giving them the good grades.

I suggest  If a university cannot educate its students well enough so they can gain proper employment, allowing them to pay off their loans, the schools should not get paid. The student loan program is run by the government I bet if politicians began to withhold student loans to universities that are doing a poor job in educating our children universities would improve rapidly.

High school students are completely unprepared for college, the reality is most of them have not even been equipped with the necessary skills that they need to function at a very basic level in the real world.  Today, a surprising number of high school students are simply unable to fill out a job application, write a readable essay or balance a checkbook. Our government schools have failed them and we have failed them because we did not force our government to do a better job. It is a national disgrace.

According to a survey conducted a while back by the National Geographic Society, only 37 percent of all Americans between the ages of 18 and 24 could find the nation of Iraq on a map of the world. Our men and women have been getting killed their for over a decade so our children can go to school and our students do not even know where it is. Even worse, according to that same National Geographic survey only 50 percent of all Americans between the ages of 18 and 24 could find the state of New York on a map.

Our young adults cannot even have an informed conversation about what is going on in the world and yet they are VOTING. They do not know the difference between communism, socialism, fascism and capitalism. Some do not even know who their hometown mayor is.

So what in the world are they learning in the classrooms of our government schools and our universities?

I though it was a joke when high school graduates were asked: What are the two parts of the U.S. Congress and only 27 percent knew; What are the two major political parties in the United States and only 43 percent  knew; Who was the first President of the United States and only 23 percent knew and Who is in charge of the executive branch and only 29 percent. I fell out of my chair when black students were ask who fought in the U.S. Civil War and two said the French and U.S. and one said the Germans and U.S. Some of the black students did not even know why the civil war was fought. I do not want you to think the white students knew because 90% did not.

Is there any doubt that public education in the United States has completely and totally failed? We are rapidly falling behind the rest of the world in education. At this point, U.S. 15-year-old's do not even rank in the top half of all industrialized nations when it comes to math and science literacy. So how do we expect to compete with the rest of the world in the future?

I am thankful the University of Saint Thomas taught us how to think, not what to think; to question whatever we read, and never to accept any claim blindly; to suspend judgment until we heard all sides of a question, and interrogate whatever claims to be true, since the truth can withstand any scrutiny. They taught us how to learn!

Critical thinking is one of life’s survival skill. 

Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Kennedy admired more after his death than during his life

On November 23, 2013 the USA was fixated on the 50th anniversary of John F Kennedy's assassination and a CNN poll registers JFK as our most admired ex-president from the past half century. I was not an admirer of any of the Kennedy’s except Jacqueline. President Kennedy was not as beloved in life as he has been in death.  

During the 1960 campaign, Kennedy confronted anti-Catholic bigotry.  In Texas, the Baptist convention passed a resolution "cautioning members against voting for a Roman Catholic candidate.”  Many Protestant ministers, especially Fundamentalist minister preached from the pulpit a Catholic president would put loyalty to the Pope ahead of loyalty to the United States. Just weeks after his election, an anti-Catholic retired postal worker tried to assassinate Kennedy in Florida. I am Catholic so I had nothing against Kennedy’s religious affiliation.  In fact I am proud of the fact that Kennedy proved all the Fundamentalist Christians wrong.

I do blame Kennedy for the botched Bay of Pigs invasion. He abandoned Cuban’s fighting to overthrow Castro  on the Cuban beaches. I believe he handled the segregation issue in the South in such a way that violence was inevitable. He was slow in taking action. I know for a fact that he sent F.B.I. agents from Alabama back to Alabama undercover to spy on whites because my cousin was one of them. I did not like the way he dealt with our allies in the United Nations. It seems to me he was determined to weaken the sovereignty of the United States in the United Nation. I disagreed with his Immigration policies. He established Immigration policies that haunt us even in 2016. I opposed his family ties to the Mafia and history proves he used those ties to get elected. Kennedy was more of a philander in the White House than Clinton ever was, but people over looked it.

 Kennedy took numerous actions that increased the risk of war with the USSR. NATO aircraft with Turkish pilots loaded active nuclear bombs and advanced to an alert status in which individual pilots could have chosen to take off, fly to Moscow, and drop a bomb and this was done at Kennedy’s request. Kennedy had deployed medium-range "Jupiter" missiles to Italy and Turkey (which bordered the USSR) earlier in his term. The missiles had no deterrent value and were basically only useful as a means of attacking the Soviet nuclear arsenal as part of a first strike. That meant they were extremely destabilizing, something that was known at the time and provoked concern from Sens. Albert Gore Sr. a Democrat from Tennessee. Kennedy put missiles along the USSR border before the USSR put missiles in Cuba. Did Kennedy’s action cause the USSR to put missiles in Cuba?

Kennedy's decision to overthrow South Vietnamese president Ngô Đình Diệm was a decisive move for greater hands-on American involvement in the conflict. After that, the North Vietnamese escalated their attempt to destabilize the South Vietnamese state, which in turn spurred Lyndon Johnson's 1964 escalation.

 Kennedy authorized a 1963 coup against the pro-Soviet military leader of Iraq. The coup put the Iraqi Baath party in power, setting in motion the chain of events that would result in Saddam Hussein's decades-long rule over the nation.

He is responsible for Federal workers forming a union.

Everyone gives Kennedy credit for the Apollo Space Program, he did support it, but the Apollo Program was first conceived under the Eisenhower administration and  the Johnson administration did the heavy lifting in actually completing a manned moon landing.

As you can see I was not impressed with JFK for many reasons and I could list more. Those Christian Democrat Fundamentalist that love him so much today never mention his swimming nude in the White House Pool and using it to have sex with women other than his wife and all the other immorality that existed in the White House during his administration. They have selected memories.

Contrary to what many Democrats would like us to believe about Kennedy he was never fully embraced by the liberal wing of the Democratic Party. He certainly was disliked by Texas Democrats whom at the time I was one of them. I was a an officer in the Young Democrats and a supporter of Ralph Yarborough.

I believe his Immigration policies and open border philosophy stemmed from the fact that his family immigrated in the 1840’s from Ireland. Few restrictions were placed on whites that wanted to immigrate to the U.S., but it is a fact the Irish immigrants were not treated fairly once they arrived in the U.S. The discrimination against the Irish was extreme. There being Catholic made the discrimination worse.

The Kennedy’s are responsible for the wholesale shift in the face of our nation today. In 1960 there were less than 1 million foreign born from Latin America, but by 2012 the number had increased to 21.2 million. In 1958 Kennedy was calling for open borders in his public speeches. In  1963 before his assassination he was working to get support for more of his immigration reforms. Kennedy ignored the economic needs, the cultural traditions and the public sentiment of the citizens of the United States when it came to immigration policies much like Obama has done.

Kennedy was warned that the sharp increase in immigration would shake the stability of the United States and he ignored the warnings. Ted Kennedy even argued that the Founding Fathers would support open borders if that were true why did they restrict immigration only to white folks with good morals.

Few people know that it was Ted Kennedy that led the fight in 1979 to allow more political refugees into the U.S.  In 1986 he helped President Reagan pass legislation that allowed 2.7 million illegals to become legal residence of the U.S. In 2007 he helped President Bush pass legislation that allowed another 12 million illegal immigrants a chance to become citizens of the U.S. Yes, I blame the Kennedy for the problems with immigration we face in 2016 and have good reasons to do so.  The Obama victories in 2008 and 2012 are directly tied to immigrant vote.

Senator Kennedy prior to his death admitted he had not anticipated that the rise of immigration would lead to such a dramatic shift in the composition of the American population.  SORRY – A LITTLE TOO LATE THE HORSE WAS ALREADY OUT OF THE BARN BEFORE THE BARN DOOR WAS SHUT!!

General Westmoreland and Vietnam failures

In 1982, General Westmoreland filed a $120 million lawsuit against CBS and journalist Mike Wallace for suggesting that he had lied about the number of enemy troops in Vietnam. They claimed General Westmoreland withheld crucial intelligence so that he could continue to fight. Westmoreland lost the lawsuit. I know the judgement was just because I was in intelligent service and I witness first hand Westmoreland changing daily death totals, missing in action figures and other crucial figures.  President Lyndon Johnson was not told the truth. We had to sign a ten year contract that we would not discuss anything we read, saw or heard during our time in the service when discharged. Westmoreland later admitted to his actions, but said it was for the good of the country. It was what Westmoreland thought was good for the country not what the people thought.

Westmoreland was hard headed and thought he could make tactics used in World War II work in Vietnam.  “Search and Destroy” did not work. It only made the communist rebel fighters and North Vietnam regular army more determined to defeat the U.S.  He wanted to fight the war as if there was a ‘front line’ and there was NO front line in Vietnam.  Westmoreland tactics created chaos in Vietnam. His demand for more troops created a situation where men were sent to Vietnam not properly trained and that included young officer and enlisted men.

General Westmoreland’s reliance on manpower, artillery and air bombardment failed to cause North Vietnam to surrender. 57,000 Americans died for what? Once again the politicians were wrong and failed to listen to the citizens of the U.S.

The key to possible success in Vietnam was for Westmorland to listen to junior officers, non-commissioned officers and the enlisted men on the front line, but Westmoreland was too proud to do that. His ego was too large.  Westmoreland did not want the South Vietnamese involved in the fight, therefore he spent no time establishing training programs for South Vietnamese soldiers.

General Abrams was sent to Vietnam in 1967 and took full command of the U.S. forces in 1968. Abram did away with “search and destroy” and initiated “clear and hold.” He improved life in Vietnam with better schools, farming operations and refugee resettlement. He also was serious about training South Vietnamese soldiers to protect their own country.  Abram believed more success could be achieved by trying to make friends with the people instead of trying to destroy their country. Americans sometimes forget that people in South Vietnam had relatives in North Vietnam that were being killed.

I believe if Abram would have been in Vietnam from the beginning there may have been a different outcome. North Vietnam knew they only had to destroy the moral of the Americans and the victory was there. They knew the South Vietnamese Army could not defend themselves without the American military. The fact they could not defend themselves was Westmoreland’s fault not the South Vietnamese. Westmoreland and traitors like Jane Fonda made it impossible for a victory.  

Monday, May 23, 2016

Corruption in the Catholic Church

The official audit is out and it “ain’t” much better!

The annual audit of reports for sexual abuse by members of the U.S. Roman Catholic clergy was released last Friday and it showed a sharp INCREASE in the number of new claims.

The audit showed that 828 people came forward from July 1, 2014 through June 20, 2015 to say they had been sexually abused by priests, deacons and members of religious groups (yes, that includes cardinals and bishops). I will always believe the cover up was not to protect the Church, but to protect guilty cardinals and bishops.

Six dioceses in the U.S. have filed for bankruptcy because of the sex abuse scandal. Money that could have been used for the poor was paid out to cover the sins of evil priest. I am amazed how the bishops in the Philippines can be so critical of corrupt politicians stealing money from the poor when they are as guilty. As far as I am concerned the funds bishops used to protect evil priest was stealing from the poor.

It is true that the bulk of the cases are old cases changes in the legal system made it possible for old victims to file claims. Catholic parishes and other orders spent $153.6 million on settlements, legal fees and other expenses related to claims of sexual assault over the last one year period.  The Church spent $119.1 million the previous year. The church has paid out BILLIONS of dollars since 2002 because of the sex abuse scandal.

This is what happens when men are looking for a POSITION/TITLE and not a MISSION. Too many priest, bishops, cardinals are not looking for a mission they are looking for the respect a position/title brings. They do not have the character to earn the respect they want. They need the clerical clothes to demand the respect they want. Many young men had a mission when they started, but were corrupted when surrounded by older priest that had lost site of their mission. Their immaturity led them to mismanage their opportunity and away from their mission. Position means nothing if you do not understand your mission. The same is true of politicians.

God did not give us money, talents, blessing, opportunities, etc., in order for us to be important. God gave them to us to accomplish His mission on earth. The position/respect will come if you never lose sight of the mission. Unfortunately too many in the Church want the position, but not the mission.

Celebrating Mass does not take the place of a personal relationship with God. Celebrating Mass does not replace personal time with God in prayer, study and meditation. You do not know it all simply because you finished the obstacle course in the seminary. Knowledge comes with experience and experience comes with living it.

Success is hard to manage and if you cannot manage it you will eventually lose it. You are not fit to be blessed if you cannot manage it. Good managers are successful in good or bad times – they know how to survive. They survive because they know how to treat people. You cannot abuse people and survive!

Saturday, May 21, 2016

I feel like a foreigner in my own country

I am reading “We the People” by Juan Williams.  I agree with his facts, but disagree with some of his conclusions.  That is only natural since he is liberal and I am conservative. I really do not know if I can define myself as a conservative any longer, since I believe it is time for a change in the Republican Party. I still believe in conservative ideas, but I also believe in moving forward and adapting to cultural changes, technological changes and scientific changes as new knowledge comes available. It appears to me that today’s right ring conservative Republican Party wants to go back to the days of the Founding Fathers. They have their heads buried in the sand.  I wonder if they realize that would include slavery, no rights for women, no social safety nets, etc.

A 2015 poll conducted by Reuters found that 62% of Republicans, 53% of Independents and 37% of Democrats feel like a stranger in their own country. I have not been back to the United States since 2005 and I do not think I would recognize the United States of today.  It is a strange feeling for I feel as if I no longer have a country. I am a foreigner in the Philippines and I think I would feel like a foreigner in the United States. The Right Wing of my party has gone too far. They are no longer open to new ideas, they think like most fundamentalist religious folks - their way is the only way, the party has become the party of bigot’s, hypocrites and judgmental Pharisees.  I support Donald Trump, but I do not like a lot of his rhetoric. I support him because I think he is the only one that can bring change to the Republican Party. Good or bad I am willing to gamble because what we have done for decades is not working.

I have no trust in any part of the government. Politicians (Republican and Democrat) think the solution to every problem is to throw more tax dollars into failed programs. You would think that by now they could see that the school system continues to fail regardless of the money invested in public schools. The welfare programs not only have failed, but poverty continues to increase. Obamacare may have helped some people, but hurt more people than it helped – especially the middle class.

This campaign cycle has proven to us we the people do not control the primary outcome the party bosses do. Hillary will become the nominee regardless of what the people want and ONLY Donald Trump saved us Republicans from Cruz or Bush. The Obama’s Iran deal definitely proved elected politicians will lie to the people in order to get what they want regardless of how dangerous it is to future generations. I guess what upsets me the most they all think they know better what is good for us than we know. They treat us like children.

There is a new America that the Republican Party had better begin to recognize or they will find it more difficult to win national elections in the future. It consist of young people, white women and Asian, black and Latino voters.  That new America is interested in universal healthcare, contraception, school reform, immigration reform, lower taxes and yes climate control. It might surprise most conservative Republicans that there are people among those in the new America that hold a more conservative viewpoint than the Democrat Party and liberals in general, but not as conservative as right wing conservatives. The Republican Party bosses have allowed the right wing of our party to make it known to those people they are not welcome in our Party.

The millennial generation of Americans, those born after 1980 is made up of 40% people of color. They have little to no problem with gays, gay marriage, interracial dating and marriage.  They grew up with women in leadership roles. The Democrats are catering to these voters while the Republicans act as if they do not exist or that they will die off due to some horrendous disease that God will send upon them as punishment.

The vote this week where dozens of House Republicans switched their votes and defeated a measure to protect gay rights is once again a perfect example that the conservative right wing of the Republican Party does not understand the millennials and are out of touch with the majority of American and 2016 culture. President Barack Obama immediately issued an executive order that bars discrimination against LGBT employees by federal contractors his actions sends a message to moderate conservatives that bigotry is alive and well in the Republican Party.

Our Founding Fathers were great men, but they were mortal and they made mistakes/sinned in both their public and private lives.  I have grown tired of hearing the right wing of our party act as if our Founding Fathers were infallible.

The Founding Fathers did not eliminate slavery. They did not give blacks and women equal rights -  not even the right to vote – racial and gender equality was something they did not understand. Most of them owned slaves. They did not provide any type of safety net for the poor, orphans or widows. Our Founding Fathers forbid people from forming labor unions. Our Founding Fathers did not include God, Jesus and other deities in the Declaration of Independence or the Constitution or the Bill of Rights – that was not an oversight. They struggle with religion in politics as we do today. In fact Franklin, Jefferson, Madison Washington and Adams did not even believe in Jesus as the Son of God. The Founding Fathers favored morality over dogma. Ethan Allen a Founding Father said, “I am no Christian.” John Adams signed a treaty that stated, “The United States is not, in any sense, founded on the Christian religion.” Thomas Paine said, “… all churches accuse other churches of unbelief.” Thomas Jefferson wanted to make sure their was a wall of division between government and religion. He did not want any religion dictating public policy.

Thomas Jefferson said, “… no society can make a perpetual constitution or even a perpetual law … the dead should not be a weight on future generations, but that is exactly what the right wing of the Republican Party do with their strict interpretations of the Constitution and trying to apply what the Founding Fathers thought then with their limited knowledge and apply it to to us in 2016. We need to always remember what the Founding Fathers wanted then would not necessarily be what they would want in 2016.

Thursday, May 19, 2016

The ? Commandment - God helps those who help themselves

Ask random people to name one of the Ten Commandments. You will be surprised by how many people will answer by saying, “God helps those who help themselves.” That is not one of the Ten Commandments. A Christian polling firm, found that better than eight in ten Americans think “God helps those who help themselves” is in the Bible. It may sound pious and spiritual, but the Bible absolutely contains no such verse. Even President Obama in 2011 used it in a speech as a Biblical quote.

The statement apparently originated in Greek mythology before Christ. In 1736 Ben Franklin popularized it in Poor Richard’s Almanac, helping to give the statement a permanent place in American thinking.

I would argue that “God helps those who help themselves” is untrue. It sends a message that I think is contrary to the Bible’s message. God does expect us to use the talents He has given us to help or better ourselves. But, if it were true God only helps those who help themselves it would have to also apply to salvation.  

There is no part of salvation that we can initiate or work toward. Salvation comes through ‘grace’ and there is no work we can do to obtain it. If it were true it would mean we have some control over God and we don't? I think it is fair to say that God's help is more likely to be effective if we are earnestly trying to do our part to help ourselves, but my salvation has nothing to do with anything I have done. It has everything to do with what Jesus has done.

I think a lot of those who say it are using it as an excuse to avoid helping those in need. But, the Bible is clear we are to help those in need. Helping others or being charitable is essential to being Christian. Our willingness to help others in need is one of the ways God uses us to accomplish His goals on earth.

God helps those that are in need of help and if we are obeying God and doing what God has called us to do we certainly will be more blessed. I have said repeatedly in my blog God will not do for us what we He has given us the ability to do for ourselves. 

Second Thessalonians 3:10 states the church should not give aid to those who can work, but refuse to. God blesses those who obey.

Jeremiah 17:5 (NIV) - This is what the LORD says: "Cursed is the one who trusts in man, who depends on man for his strength and whose heart turns away from the LORD."

Proverbs 28:26 (NIV) - “He who trusts in himself is a fool...”

God helps those who CANNOT help themselves at least I have found that to be true in my own personal life.

Friday, May 13, 2016

I am Catholic and I do not believe in Purgatory

I do not deny it I no longer believe in purgatory.  Regardless of what some say I am as much a Catholic as those that do believe in purgatory.  For non-Catholics purgatory is that place, according to the Roman Catholic Church doctrine, where everyone who is saved must go for a time to be purged of their sins and purified before they can enter into God’s holy presence. If that doctrine is true Christ did not accomplish His purpose for coming to the earth and it was not finished on the cross as Christ said and Christ did not pay the price of our sins.

I make no apology that I believe Christ paid for all our past, present and future sins and that Christ did accomplish His purpose for coming to earth.  I said ‘all’ Christians go through purgatory, but that is not true those declared ‘Saints’ by the Catholic hierarchy are exempt according to Roman Catholic Church doctrine.

There is nothing in Scripture about purgatory. The concept was added to Catholic theology long after the New Testament age. There is no need for a Christian to go there or anywhere else to be purged of sins. Jesus accomplished that task once and for all on the cross. Through faith, we have our sins purged and we are purified only by his grace and imputed righteousness.

I am a Christian a follower of Christ before I am Catholic, Baptist, Lutheran, Methodist, etc.  I am an American even though I do not approve of everything the leaders of my country do. I am Caucasian, but I am not proud that my ancestor owned slaves in Alabama. I consider myself a Texan even though I was born in Alabama. I am what my convictions lead me to believe I am what I believe myself to be rather than what anyone says I am.  Yes, I am Catholic, but I am not going to follow any man blindly.

Oh by the way, I believe I can forgive those that sin against me, but I do not believe a Pope, Cardinal, Bishop or priest can forgive me of my sins – only God can.

Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Is pornography as bad for you as some Christians say?

Pornography is any image, picture, statue, advertisement, writing, etc. whose purpose is to create sexual titillation. In modern Western culture, sex has become such a public topic that the lines between what is legitimate and what is illicit are harder and harder to define.  In fact, sexual images have become so prominent that what used to be considered soft pornography is now considered tame enough to be on prime time television. And while it used to be that people could only get access to it in magazines behind the counter and then only at certain stores it is now so pervasive that virtually anyone can access any kind of pornography through the most basic internet connection. Many now even question why some Christians think pornography is such a big deal.

I have to admit I wrestle with the question was it as big a deal as the church said it was after all my church believes masturbation should be made illegal and classified as a crime. I have thought those that did not want to watch it were not forced to, but then as I stated earlier that would mean you could not even watch television anymore or go to a movie.  I have said those working in the industry were not forced to do so, but again that is not exactly true anymore. A person’s economic situation can often influence them to do things they do not want to do. I have said if the all parties involved from the beginning to the end were consenting adults what’s the harm, but that is no longer true because it is easily accessible to children on television, Internet, movies, magazines, books in general and even billboards along the highways.

I was talking with my housekeeper this morning and ask, “What is wrong with our society today?”  There is corruption among religious leaders, politicians, government employees, corporations, lawyers, doctors, teachers, nearly every profession you can name. Maybe our moral compass is not longer working.

 Is it possible for a person (society) to become desensitized to just about anything? I now believe it is! I now live in the Philippines and encounter daily people who are the poorest of the poor and after nearly eleven years I am constantly amazed that they are happy people.  Sometimes I wonder if they even know how poor they are because they act as if they hardly even notice it. I helped a family move to Davao, Philippines and open a very small business. One day I was complaining our public water goes off every day for twelve hours are more. They began to laugh and I inquired as to why they were laughing. They replied, “Father, we have lived in the mountains all our lives and have had to carry water from a stream twice a day having running water twelve hours a day is a miracle to us.”

They say people who play violent video games often become so desensitized that even real violence is seen as no big deal. This technique is now even used by the military to desensitize young recruits. Pornography has become so prominent in our society that we hardly even notice it anymore – much less think of it as something bad and destructive. A great example of this is the many “soft porn” TV commercials advertising everything from lingerie to hamburgers. It is so prevalent that most people aren’t even embarrassed anymore when they encounter it.

Pornography is purely an object of self-gratification. In any area, when our life is focused on gratifying ourselves rather than accomplishing the purpose of God, we put ourselves in a position which is outside of our relationship with God. For a Christian this will always create ‘guilt’.

There is a Naturalist worldview that exists today and it has become prominent in our society. Naturalism accepts no moral absolutes. It totally denies that a God exists and therefore there is no such thing as a set of moral values which is given by a higher authority. That being the case, the only possibility which exists is for man to create his own values. There is no reason, then, for any kind of sexual expression to be considered wrong or bad – including pornography. This is the worldview of a large percentage of people in the industries which control much of the public discourse in entertainment, news media, and higher education.

The Naturalist worldview has seeped into the belief system of a large number of people in the world – INCLUDING - people who claim to be Christians. I confess I WAS guilty. Surveys by religious institutions reveal the lifestyle of the average Christian today differs very little from those who are not Christians. So, what we end up with is a large group of people who give lip service to Christian values, but who live as if they are Naturalists. It appears Christians may be looking at porn as much as non-Christians.

Our problem, as Christians, is that the values of the Naturalist have become such a part of the thinking of modern society that we have totally lost any sense of why pornography is bad and the addictive nature of viewing pornography has already entrapped a large number of Christians – even Christian pastors and other religious leaders.

We must recognize as Christians that sex is not a value-neutral issue. It was created by God for a specific purpose (enjoyment is one of those purposes) and only to be expressed within particular defined relationship. The production and use of pornography takes something that was created by God (sex) and employs it for a purpose outside God’s purpose.  Pornography turns sex into a human centered purpose. If the God of the Bible is truly the person He has revealed Himself to be, we must understand that we do not have the prerogative to take God’s things and use them in other ways. When counseling with people addicted to pornography I always ask them when Christ returns do you want Him to find you in front of the computer screen watching pornography. NO ONE has ever said yes, or it is okay with me. I have had a few say I do not want to be having sex when Christ returns – WHY NOT – God created sex.

 Sexual gratification outside of a committed relationship creates guilt for a Christian as I have stated earlier. I have always heard religious leaders claim it alienates a person from God. I have some problems with that because alienation means to make one hostile to God or God hostile to them or to take something away from one party and transfer to another. That seems to do away with ‘grace’.

I agree by definition, living in a manner which goes against the ways of God is sin, and I do believe sin creates a barrier between us and God (guilt). God’s purpose for mankind is for us to conform our lives to His purpose and ways. Those who participate in the production and use of pornography in any way are putting themselves in a position of opposition to the ways of God. I think God has the right to do as He pleases, but I do not believe God turns His back on sinners or gives up on sinners and pornography is one of many sins. God gives us the understanding of right and wrong and expects us to choose right.  The choice of whether or not we follow His direction is our own (freewill).

Pornography is bad because the industry itself uses people in ways which destroy them (self-image, self-esteem, health, morals) and turns them into objects of profit. Those who are working in the industry are not looking for ways to serve God, they are looking to make money and satisfy themselves. They do not see human beings as people made in the image of God whom He values, but as objects which can bring a handsome price. This self-centered point of view which denigrates humanity runs completely contrary to the way God designed things to be.

The final reason I think pornography is bad relates to those who view it. People who view pornography are also objectifying others for personal gratification, and doing it in a way that drags them down as well. Human beings are individuals whom God created with an inherent dignity and value. First of all, those who view pornography are setting themselves up for an addiction to something which requires looking at other people as objects of self-gratification. Secondly, they are devaluing the people they are looking at. This is all contrary to God’s purpose and ways.

As Christians, we should be living and expressing our own faith, our own belief system, not worldview beliefs. We should be living in a way that changes the hearts of individuals. We should be living in a way that serves to eliminate destructive influences. 

Saturday, May 7, 2016

Uncle Bill O'Reilly is wrong!

Barney and Uncle Bill were talking on Fox about Hispanics waving the Mexican flag in California at a political protest. Uncle Bill said that it is now acceptable and is no longer offensive to most Americans.  That may be true in the U.S.A., but not the rest of the world. I live in the Philippines if I put a U.S. flag out on my balcony the neighbors would raise all kind of H???.  In fact it would be against the law in the Philippines and I would be deported if I participated in a political rally or waved an American flag. A lot of Americans and a lot of our politicians no longer have U.S. pride. Yet, we allowed Reid to use Manny the famous Filipino boxer to influence the election in Nevada and no American politician or American media or American citizen said a word that I know about.

It appears to me we just have lost all our patriotism, religious values and morals and we are about to lose our country to foreigners. I may not like a lot of things in the Philippines, but I adapt and that is what minorities should do when moving to the U.S.

+++ At the Republican Convention a middle age woman was arrested for trying to burn the U.S. Flag so some people must still care Uncle Bill! Her husband was burned in the incident KARMA!

The Bible states - God will not put more on you than you can stand - NOT TRUE!

The Bible states, “God will not put more on you than you can stand” – NOT TRUE!

If you believe me wrong read 1 Corinthians 10:6-13 and Matthew 11:28-30 again it does not say what you may have thought it said or some sentimental Christian or religious leader told you it said.

People are surprised to find that at no time in the movie Casablanca does Rick ever say, “Play it again, Sam.”  It is also surprising to know that in over 79 Star Trek episodes and 6 movies, no one ever actually says, “Beam me up, Scotty.” But people all assume that those clichés and many others are from the films and movies they attribute them, too.

It works the same with the Bible.  There are all kinds of things that people assume the Bible says but it actually doesn’t.  At the top of that list is “The Lord helps those who help themselves” with something like 80% of Christians believing that quote is from the Bible. It’s actually from the Ancient Greeks by way of Benjamin Franklin’s Poor Richard’s Almanac.

But in a close second is the statement: “God never gives you more than you can bear.”  It is frequently “quoted” to people in times of distress with great certainty.  Everything will be alright—the suffering one is told—God wouldn’t have given you this trial if you couldn’t get through it. It is quite comforting to those suffering until they find out it is not true and then they begin to doubt God because of you ‘YOUR’ biblical untruth.

There is a quote like it; but there is nothing that says “God will never give you more than you can bear.”  The quote that is frequently used to back up the idea, from 1 Corinthians, doesn’t really say what people think it does. It actually says, “No temptation has seized you that isn’t common for people … God is faithful. He won’t allow you to be tempted beyond your abilities ...”

Paul is reminding his readers that God will not allow people to be tempted beyond their abilities.  That is, there is no temptation that you should feel you are powerless against, because God would not allow you to be tempted by something you couldn’t resist. If you’re being tempted, in Paul’s thinking, it’s something you are strong enough to resist. That is a far different thing from claiming that nothing bad will happen to you or that you will not have to bear a burden that you cannot bear alone, without God.

Paul even states they suffered burdens they could not bear in their own strength, “We were weighed down with a load of suffering that was so far beyond our strength that we were afraid we might not survive.” (2 Corinthians 1:8). We are also told in Psalm 38:8, “I’m worn out, completely crushed; I groan because of my miserable heart” and in Psalm 38:4, “My wrongdoings are stacked higher than my head; they are a weight that’s way too heavy for me.” Elijah was told by an angel:  “Get up and eat, for the journey is too much for you.” (1 Kings 19:7). Let us not forget Jesus, too, who died in agony on the cross, cried out “My God, My God, why have you left me?”

Not only is it not found in scripture our life experiences do not bear it out. There are all kinds of things that happen that we cannot bear. Sometimes our lives come crashing down around us.

Trite platitudes that are designed to make people feel better are harmful to Christianity. Can you imagine someone saying to an inmate at Auschwitz don’t worry - God never gives you more than you can bear or saying it to a woman whose children are killed by a long buried landmine while they were playing or a refugee who survived the massacre of her entire village or someone who has just been given a diagnosis of a terminal illness?

I am thankful that we Catholic’s have the crucifix and not just a cross for it reminds  us that our faith is driven by the hope and the promise of the Resurrection, but that we still live very much in a world defined by the Crucifixion – pain and suffering.

When you tell suffering people that God never gives them more than they can bear and they are being crushed at the time by problems you are causing them to question what is wrong with them?  What are they doing wrong?  Why isn’t God helping them? You are not bringing them to God you are pushing them away from God. If you do not have more comforting words than that to give them then keep your mouth shut and listen.

If you truly believe no problem comes your way that you cannot bear then you are making it about you and not God. Why do you need God if you alone can bear all your problems? Christ said, “Come to me, all you who are struggling hard and carrying heavy loads and I will give you rest. Put on my yoke, and learn from me. I’m gentle and humble. And you will find rest for yourselves. My yoke is easy to bear, and my burden is light.” Christ did not tell us to go it alone. Our faith is demonstrated by our recognition that we cannot bear the burdens ourselves and trust in the grace of God who bears them with us.

The church should be a place where you can come and say, “I have a burden that I cannot bear” and instead of being judged for having a weak faith, you are surrounded by a network of love and support that will bear that burden with you.  Just as Christ takes upon himself the burdens we cast upon him, unfortunately to many church going Christians and religious leaders have forgotten that.

The Gospel reminds us that our problems do not disappear because we have become followers of Christ, but we are promised that in those sufferings we are not alone. God does not make us suffer alone He is always with us. God will stand beside us in our times of trouble.

“Come to me, all you who are struggling hard and carrying heavy loads and I will give you rest.”

Do not beat yourself up when you fail and give in to temptations that you told God in prayer that you would not do again.  God is happy for all the days that the temptation came up and you did not give in and does not hold against you the days that you did. God will is patient!  Just pick yourself up and try again.  God is a God of more than one chance.

Thursday, May 5, 2016

Do not accept biblical half-truths as truths!

Today I spent a boring two hours in the doctor’s waiting room listening to two Christians arguing about something they really knew nothing about. The discussion got a little heated. I thank God they did not get me involved and I tried to stay as far away as I could.  Since one was a follower of Apollo C. Quiboloy, the founder and leader of The Kingdom of Jesus Christ and the other was a follower of Iglesia ni Cristo founded by Felix Y. Manalo neither would have been interested in what a Catholic had to say, since they do not believe we are Christians.

I stated they knew nothing about what they were talking about not to be rude, but because they only knew what their CHURCH LEADERS had told them. Every time they began a topic they would say, “Our church believes” or “Pastor Apollo said” or “They said on INCTV”. I did not hear them say one time “I believe”. But, of course they are obligated in both of those churches to believe what the leaders teach or be put out.

About the only thing they had in common, but did not agree on, were they both believe that THEIR church is the only true church - the fulfillment of biblical prophecy concerning the reestablishment of the Church.

These are only partial or half-truths they have been told - everything happens for a reason, God helps those who help themselves, God won’t give you more than you can handle, God said it, I believe it, that settles it and love the sinner, but hate the sin. These were not the only half-truths these ladies had been fed by their religious leaders.

It is important for us to examine these and other half-truths for ourselves regardless of what our religious leaders have taught us. I think they sometimes hurt people. I think they lead people to conclusions about God that are not only untrue, but turn people away from God. I know there had to be some people in that waiting room today that were turned off to Christians and Christianity because of those two women. There were several Muslims in that waiting room. The ladies may have boosted their own personal egos, but they accomplished nothing for God or Christianity.

Some of these half-truths are used by religious leaders to avoid careful thinking about complex issues. Some are used to justify their own biases or prejudices. It is important to read any Scripture in the light of its context and the Bible’s broader message. It is not enough to find a passage or two to support a particular view. We should interpret all Scripture in the light of Jesus’ life and teachings, as well as with the help of the Holy Spirit, the wisdom of scholars, and our own intellect and life experiences. If you only believe what you have been told then you really know nothing.

What do you think non-Christians think of Christians when they hear one Christian telling another, “You are not a REAL Christian because you are Catholic” or “You only have some of the truth, not all of the truth because you ignore tradition"? I prefer to say “I respect what you believe, but I have a different interpretation of that Scripture and either of us could be right.” When you take a stand that your interpretation or your denominations interpretation or your church leaders interpretation is the only TRUE interpretation you are PLAYING God. My bishops and priest are wrong lots of time and my Pope is wrong sometimes. No one is always right. If someone can convince me I am wrong I am willing to change.

Sunday after Sunday Christians are hurt and many eventually leave the church because they hear religious leaders say God loves you and will protect you and keep you from harm. Believe me there are religious leaders in every denomination teaching that. There is some truth to their teachings, but they fail to point out that the rain falls on the good and the bad. When people are hurt they generally blame God not their religious leader or their denomination for only teaching half-truths.

It is a shame that many Christians are not given the freedom to question their religious leaders when they have experienced what they are saying not to be true in their lives or they have studied Scripture and interpret it differently. It is the responsibility of the religious leaders to let their people know they are free to question any and all things they say – of course in a polite way.

One of the biggest half-truth that is taught Sunday after Sunday is accept Jesus Christ as your Savior and life will be smooth sailing from then on. God did not promise that so why do many religious leaders say He did. God only promise to be with us at all times, good and bad. He did not promise to prevent any bad from ever happening to us.

I think God requires more than just an altar call where you kneel down and say ‘yes’ for us to become and stay a Christian. We must understand what we are doing and be committed to change. The Christian life is not easy; there is a price to pay. My friend at Community Gospel Church use to teach that altar calls and saying ‘yes’ was enough and he could prove it because so many in his church came and left once made whole again. He claimed they no longer needed the church. His membership was like a swinging door. I suggest they left disappointed and found that his teachings did not work in real life.  

I had a person come to me that had left the church when she was a teenager because she had been led to believe the Christian walk was a guarantee from adversity. She ask me, “Where was God when I was raped, where was God when my mother died of cancer my senior year in high school, did He abandoned me or is there no God?” As I stated earlier half-truths cause unnecessary pain.

When religious leaders and denominations take stands against groups of people (gay, women, divorced, etc.) and prevent them from having full participation in the church they are not leading people to God they are pushing people away from God. It forces people who want to be active in church to keep secrets and feel guilty. Jesus loved and loves the poorest of the poor. He spent time with the prostitutes, the tax collectors, and the people with the worst reputations, and loved them unconditionally, contrary to the culture they were a part of. God wasn't God of only the rich and powerful, but also God of the outcast and enslaved. He freed oppressed people and stood for the rights of the downtrodden.

It is OK to doubt your faith from time to time and challenge your religious leaders. In fact, doubting your faith and asking questioning helps your faith grow. Many times I have been told that I am not a Christian. People have said my ideas were "heretical" "UN-biblical" and couldn't believe that I was allowed to continue in ministry. That is okay with me. I have never asks anyone to believe as I believe. I have only asks people to think for themselves and not turn off their brain when they enter the church. I am not going to teach something I do not believe without offering alternative views. I will teach what my denomination wants taught and preface it with the statement ‘this is what the Church teaches’. Besides I do not answer to people I answer to God when it comes to my religious beliefs.

You have to know what and why you believe.  Just saying I believe it because that it is what my preacher, priest or religious leader said should not be sufficient for you to believe. If you cannot explain why you believe it you do not know it. Parrots can repeat what you say over and over and will not challenge you, but have no real understanding of what they are saying. Are you a parrot?

Even if we lose in November we have won a VICTORY!

The people of the Republican Party have shown the elitist in the party that if we the people pull together we can beat them. I pray there days of ignoring what the people of the party want is over. Trump outsmarted Washington!  I now hope the party returns to its roots.  I also hope that Trump is more PROGRESSIVE than conservative (a moderate). I would love to try a PROGRESSIVE conservative in the White House for a while. I do not want  a PROGRESSIVE LIBERAL Democrat or phony Republican elitist that does not know what he or she is in the White House. GO TRUMP! Win or lose in November I thank you for knocking my party leaders on their rear ends!!!!!!!! It is time politician once again realize the people are in charge of our future not them.  

Sunday, May 1, 2016

Not everything happens for a reason!

God has given human beings “dominion” on earth.  We have the capacity to make our own decisions. The biblical story is in many ways the story of us misusing our freedom, turning away from God, practicing the very things God has told us not to and then God working to redeem, restore and heal the mess we’ve made of things.

If everything happens for a reason as some Christian leaders teach and a lot of Christians believe then we must assume that God is responsible for Muslim Islamic Terrorism in order to accomplish some purpose.  The terrorist certainly believe they have God’s blessings.  But our attempts to defeat them make it clear that we believe they are evil and must be stopped. We certainly do not believe God has blessed them or is using them for His purpose.

When we make God responsible for every bad decision, every act of wrongdoing, every disease, every inhumane thing we humans do to one another we remove the responsibility from ourselves and put it on God. If you believe everything that happens has a reason then you must believe God is responsible for every bad thing that happens on earth. You have removed the possibility of our ‘free will’ which scripture makes clear God gave us.

I have not only heard Christians tell others, but I have had them tell me, God must have a reason for inflicting suffering on you. I did not find that very comforting and I am sure other suffering people did either. If that is true then how are we supposed to pray to a God for help if you believe the same God caused your problem?

I do not think God is the originator of pain and problems. I really think God is saddened by the wrong decision we make and when we choose to hurt others.

On April 15, 2013, James Costello was cheering on a friend near the finish line at the Boston Marathon when the bombs exploded, severely burning his arms and legs and sending shrapnel into his flesh. During the months of surgery and rehabilitation that followed, Mr. Costello developed a relationship with one of his nurses, Krista D’Agostino, and they soon became engaged. Mr. Costello posted a picture of the ring on Facebook. “I now realize why I was involved in the tragedy,” he wrote. “It was to meet my best friend, and the love of my life.” What about those that lost their lives and their families that only felt grieve after? I think they would have a hard time accepting God had a reason for inflicting such pain on them and their loved one. The only reason for the Boston bombing was evil men made evil decisions. It is wonderful if something great came as the result of it to some people, but God did not have a hand in the bombing.

I guess we associate God having a purpose for all things because we believe in a God that plans for us, sends us messages, rewards the good and punishes the bad. Christians may be surprised that atheists also believe things happen for a reason because they believe in ‘fate’.  They believe there is an order to life that determines how events turn out.

I think people in general have a need to find meaning in life, particular bad things that happen to them. Some people find it reassuring to think that there really are no accidents to the things that happen to us, including the most terrible of events.  We have a need to make sense of events and situations. It helps us figure out why people behave as they do and respond appropriately. But it can lead us into error when we try to find purpose to everything that happens to us. Things on earth just don’t naturally work out so that all people get what they deserve. Some things just happen. There’s no rhyme or reason to them. They just happen.

But, wait a minute somethings do happen for a reason! When you got that new job you were hoping for, that happened for a reason — you applied for it, you interviewed well, and the company thought you were the best candidate for the job. When you failed that test you needed to pass in order to maintain your G.P.A. and keep your scholarship, that too happened for a reason — you spent too much time on Facebook, going out with friends and catching up on your favorite shows when you should have been studying. The time that house on the news got hit by lightning and burned to the ground that happened for a reason — the roof of the house was the closest contact point for the bolt of lightning, and the massive charge of electricity caused the wood the house was built with to catch on fire. When that young mother and her child were hit by a drunk driver and died tragically in a car accident, that also happened for a reason — someone had too much to drink, and without concern for anyone else’s well-being, they got behind the wheel of their car, wherein their impaired judgment and slowed response time resulted in them running a red light and taking the life of a mother and her child. They happened, and there was a reason but that reason was not God.

If you think everything happens for a reason and it is divine then you must believe God delights in causing our suffering. You are saying that God is the sort of god who sends drunk drivers to kill, who burns down people’s homes and afflicts random people with horrendous diseases, like cancer. If God had a hand in intentionally causing these things to occur, then God is not the God of the Gospels.

God does enact judgment, but God is not to be blame for every terrible thing that happens in life. The truth is we live in a broken world and terrible, meaningless things happen. Not because God wants them to happen, but because our decisions have consequences and because nature cannot be tamed. God is not a villain.

Stop putting your friends through hell every time they suffer by tormenting them with the words “Everything happens for a reason.” there will come a day when every tear will be wiped away and there will be no more death or crying or mourning or pain. But it is not going to happen on this earth before Christ comes again.

But until that day comes, our testimony to that future reality is not found in trying to attach meaning to the meaningless. Our testimony, and our gift of grace to those to suffer, will be found in our willingness to suffer with them, to walk with them through the valley of the shadow of death so that they know they are not alone.