I recently heard about a book called “Has Christianity Failed You.” I heard about the book on a Christian program being broadcasted by a Christian station. A few days later I ran across a piece on You Tube where an atheist was questioning the material in the book. I have not read the book, as yet, but it seems that the atheist challenging the book believes the author used only the Bible to try and prove the existence of a God. He states that it is impossible to use a book, which many do not believe in, to prove the existence of a God. He states that the author would first have to prove the book he is using, the Bible, is accurate in every detail. I agree with that. Unless you have allowed yourself to have a personal relationship with God, I do not believe the Bible, is enough to allow you to completely believe in God. A personal relationship is one where you have felt the intervention of God in your life on a personal level. Atheist and many Christians wrongly deny these personal God interventions and write them off as coincidences.
The atheist takes segments of the Bible and used them to try and prove his point that there is no God, particularly a Christian God. I believe both men to be wrong. I do not believe you can prove the existence of a God or non-existence of a God with ANY book. All books are written by men and all books are influenced by men and all men have an agenda when writing a book. Unless you have allowed yourself to have a personal relationship with God you open yourself up to always have your faith in God challenged by the words of men verbally or through books.
The thing that attracted me most to the Catholic faith is that they do not require one to believe in the literal translation of the Bible. They acknowledge many of the stories in the Bible like Noah’s flood, the creation story, Jonah and the fish story, the tower of Babel and others are stories, but valuable stories that one can learn from. Unlike Fundamentalist Christians, Catholic’s are not required to believe that these stories happened literally, word for word, as man told them and later wrote them down. If you profess to believe the literal translation of the Bible you open yourself up to be made a fool of by atheist. The Bible can become a weapon that is used against you, instead of a tool that can draw you closer to God. In my ‘old age’ the thing that disappoints me the most is the Catholic Christians that I meet who believe they are good Catholic Christians simply because they attend Mass, perform Catholic rituals and believe in the Bible. The same is true of Protestant Christians. Many Protestants believe if they attend church, profess to believe literally in the Bible and tithe they are good Christians. Christianity is more than satisfying the requirements of men. Christianity is following the teachings of Christ that were implanted in us by God when God sent the Holy Spirit. I would say the majority of Catholic Christians and Protestant Christians do not have any idea what God wants of them they simply act like a sponge and assorp all the teachings as proclaimed by their leaders without ever questioning them.
We should not be doing something simply because the Bible or man tells us to do it. We should be doing the things we feel God is leading us to do. Morality is doing those things that bring happiness, health and wellbeing to self and others and by our doing these things we make our community a better place. Immorality is doing the opposite. Many moral teachings are in the Bible and we should follow them, but as atheist always point out there are some immoral things listed in the Bible and we certainly should avoid them. I am not going in to all these things in detail, but I certainly believe it is immoral to own slaves and the Bible grants some the authority to do so. I believe my God believes it is immoral to own slaves.
I believe my God judges me to be as good a Christian Catholic as possible, but according to many in the Catholic Church my present beliefs would prohibit them from believing I was. I have studied the history of the Catholic Church and I know for a FACT there have been many evil Popes. I do not believe my God wants me to follow ANY man blindly be they pope, bishop, priest, religious leader or self-proclaimed SON OF GOD like Pastor Apollo. At the moment a reproductive bill is before the Philippine Congress and Senate and the Catholic hierarchy is standing in the way of its passage. I believe their stand to be immoral and I believe God through the Holy Spirit has led me to this belief. Just last week charges were brought against a Filipino priest for rape and his bishop protects him by bringing him into his home and is protecting him from being arrested as any other citizen of the Philippines would be. I believe this is immoral and it certainly by no means passes my definition of morality.
People need to attempt a personal relationship with God and use that to define God and not rely totally on the Bible, religion, denomination or men. Regardless of what anyone says my faith in God can only be affected by my personal relationship with God and no man or woman can change that.